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Please submit a new form for every entry!

Original Design
Techniques Used (Select Multiple if needed)
Desired Entry Division
Desired Category
Large Pieced (M or A)
Large Applique' (M or A)
Large Mixed Technique (M or A)
Small Pieced (M or A)
Small Applique' (M or A)
Small Mixed Technique (M or A)
Hand Quilted (M or A)
Foundation Paper-Piecing (M or A)
First Time Entry (A only)
Theme (M & A)
Miniature (M & A)
Modern (M & A)
Kits / Panels / Precuts (M & A)
Art (M & A)
Pictural (M & A)
Digitally Produced (M & A)
Whole Cloth (M & A)
Holiday / Novelty (M & A)
Group (M & A)
English Paper Piecing (M & A)
Miscellaneous (M & A)
Display Only
Youth Division (Display Only)
Quilt Available for Sale?
Presidents Challenge
Yes, with above Category
Yes, display only


LARGE PIECED QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is larger than 240” on the perimeter and is primarily pieced.


LARGE APPLIQUE QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is larger than 240” on the perimeter and is primarily appliqued.


LARGE MIXED TECHNIQUE QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is larger than 240” on the perimeter and is not defined as pieced or appliqued or is a combination of several techniques.


SMALL PIECED QUILT:  These quilts are suitable for display on a wall, table, or as a throw quilt rather than a bed quilt.  The perimeter measures 239” or less but has at least one side larger than 30”.


SMALL APPLIQUE QUILT:  These quilts are suitable for display on a wall, table, or as a throw quilt rather than a bed quilt.  The perimeter measures 239” or less but has at least one side larger than 30” and is primarily appliqued.


SMALL MIXED-TECHNIQUE QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is smaller than 239” on the perimeter and is not defined as pieced or appliqued or is a combination of several techniques.


HAND-QUILTED QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is hand-quilted by the entrant. 


FOUNDATION PAPER-PIECING QUILT:  This category is for any quilt that is pieced using a foundation piecing technique. 



FIRST-TIME ENTRY:  Entries must be the first quilted project entered into ANY judged quilt show.  Construction of the quilt top must have been done entirely by the entrant, but it may be professionally quilted. 




THEME:  The quilt is made to embody the theme “Symphony of Color.”  It may use any technique or materials to interpret the theme, and it may be professionally quilted.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


MINIATURE QUILT:  The quilts in this category must reflect a reduced scale of the piecework, applique, embroidery, or whole-cloth.  Maximum size of one side of the quilt is 24” with a maximum block size of 4” square.


MODERN QUILT:  Hard to define, but according to the Modern Quilt Guild, these include the use of bold colors and prints, high-contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work.  “Modern traditionalism” or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.


KITS/PANELS/PRE-CUTS:  Any quilt made from a kit, using a printed panel, or pre-cut fabrics.

ART QUILT:  All piecing, quilting, and any embellishments are done by the maker, and it is an original design.  Any technique, materials, or combination may be used in a non-traditional way.  At least one side is larger than 30”.  A TRADITIONAL QUILT SLEEVE MUST BE USED FOR HANGING.


PICTORIAL QUILT:  The quilt illustrates a recognizable image, such as a portrait, landscape, wildlife, etc.  All work may be done by one person, but it may be professionally quilted.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


DIGITALLY PRODUCED:  This quilt is made with embroidered or appliqued blocks produced from a pre-programmed, digitized design on an embroidery machine.  It may be professionally quilted.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


WHOLE-CLOTH QUILT:  A whole-cloth quilt is created by using a solid piece of fabric as the top, instead of being pieced.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


HOLIDAY/NOVELTY QUILT:  This quilt will have a holiday or novelty print theme.  No size restrictions.


GROUP QUILT:  The quilt top is made by two or more people, and it may be professionally quilted.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


ENGLISH PAPER-PIECING QUILT:  This quilt is made by wrapping fabric around shapes made of heavier paper and hand-sewing the shapes together into a quilt.  At least one side is larger than 30”.


MISCELLANEOUS:  This category is for purses, bags, apparel, pillows, etc., where quilting was used in its construction.




YOUTH DIVISION:  This division is for 18-year-olds and below who are not Junior members but are sponsored by a current member.  These entries will not be judged but will be given participation ribbons and the opportunity to show off what they have learned in the craft. Their story must include the names of anyone who may have helped with their project. A member may sponsor up to four (4) youth entries.



QUILT AVAILABLE FOR SALE:   (A box to check)  A price is to be posted on the quilt or item.  All sales are finalized through the COQG Treasurer.  COQG will keep 10% of the sale price. 


PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE:  (Display only, unless you choose to enter it into another category to be judged)

Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild

Meeting Location: 5810 Tulakes Ave, Bethany, OK 73008

©2023 by Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild. Proudly created with

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